Our latest DEEP DIVE at Unfinished Business TELEVISION celebrates the 27th anniversary of the Sylvester Stallone disaster epic DAYLIGHT! With a colorful cast of characters and special effects that hold up today, find out how different this movie was with director Rob Cohen’s original choice to star. Plus we talk some surprise personal connections to the movie and more. Like, comment, and SUBSCRIBE!

Follow Jeff on Instagram @Projectorj1 and @Unfinsihedb2 and on Twitter @MrUniverse and @UnfinishedB1. Follow André on Twitter and Instagram @ajepyx and see more about his film work at AJepyxproductions.com. Past projects can be found @AJEpyxProductions. Be sure to subscribe to @neo1978 for past & future episodes. “Unfinished Business” Theme Song by Emil Mohr. Jeff’s nails done by @monster.muse on Instagram.